Release 0.6
April 23rd, 2024
0.6.0 (2024-04-23)
- Add BM colors to interpretability plot
- Add interpret function for use in scripts
- Add methods for weighting training examples
- Adjust hive to use ini files
- Enable setting 'ignore_entities_without_events' flag.
- Extract queries from connectors
- Create common mechanism for query execution
- Refactor query builders
- Add treemap visualization
- Add treemap generation from predefined hierarchy
- Replace sampling method with actual sampling
- Make attribution average optional.
- Introduce Python 3.11
- Add regression task to interpretability
- Support training resuming
- Create chunks based on partition column
- Support booleans in fit stage
- Add quotation marks around table names in dialect providers
- Add quotation marks to entity ids subquery
- Add reset method to LongCastingMetric
- Add return statement to FM get trainable module
- Cast Hive decimal columns to float
- Change cache dir type
- Fixing id info parsing
- Handle empty iterator while caching
- Hash sketches hashing function and tests
- Add options to change interpretability sample size
- Fix time shift when caching datetimes.
- Handle decimal types in Hive training iterator.
- Fix ignore_entities_without_events flag
- Fix combining tiles with the same name and different id
- Catching prediction on None object and fixing runtime threshold
- Remove dask-ml, bump ray, use compatible dask version
- Set enable_checkpointing flag accordingly to the callbacks setup
- Small fix in one-hot-encoders
- Stop logging warnings for uppercase unquoted columns in snowflake