End-to-end example of a scenario training script

Bringing it all together


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This article refers to BaseModel accessed via Docker container. Please refer to Snowflake Native App section if you are using BaseModel as SF GUI application.

Below you can see all the elements of the scenario training script in an example of binary classification.

from typing import Dict
from monad.ui.config import TrainingParams
from monad.ui.module import load_from_foundation_model, BinaryClassificationTask
from monad.ui.target_function import Attributes, Events

import torch
import os

# specifying the target
def target_fn(history: Events, future: Events, _entity: Attributes, _ctx: Dict) -> np.ndarray:

    target_window_days = 28
    if has_incomplete_training_window(_ctx, target_window_days):
        return None
    future = next_n_days(future, _ctx[SPLIT_TIMESTAMP], target_window_days)

    if history["product.buy"].count() == 0:
        return None

    # churn definition:
    # 1 - churned
    # 0 - not churned
    churn = 0 if future["product.buy"].count() > 0 else 1

    # output should be a float32 numpy array
    return np.array([churn], dtype=np.float32) 

# selecting the foundation model
fm_path = "/path/to/your/models/pretrain/fm" # parameter for: load_from_foundation_model
checkpoint_dir = "path/to/your/models/downstream/model_name" # parameter for: training_params

# adapting training parameters
training_params = TrainingParams(
    checkpoint_dir=checkpoint_dir, # location to save your scenario model

# instantiating the trainer & training the model
if __name__ == "__main__":
    trainer = load_from_foundation_model(
        checkpoint_path=fm_path, # location of foundation model
        downstream_task=BinaryClassificationTask(), # task aligned with business scenario
        num_outputs=1 # task-specific number of outputs

Once ready, you can save the training script as *.py file and run it from your Python console.