
Build your first Fine-tuned Model!

In this section you will train your first Fine-tuned Model.

In this exercise, we will focus on Propensity model which is a multi-label classification task.

Step 1 - Creating Downstream Task

Once you navigate to Fine-tuned Models after you log into the BaseModel, you will see a listing of all models created so far. More details about this screen and navigation can be found here.

  1. Navigate to New fine-tuned model button on the upper right hand side corner, and click it. You will now see an interface with a few building blocks:
    1. Foundation Model - where you will select the Foundation Model to use
    2. Target Function- where you will define what the model should predict
    3. Training Audience - where you will be able to limit the entities the model will be using for downstream task
    4. Training Schedule - where you will define when the training shall commence

Step 2 - Define Foundation Model

  1. In the first block - Foundation Model, select the Foundation Model that you wish to use and Type of prediction task. Please refer to documentation for more information about types of prediction tasks.

  2. Select Quickstart Foundation model that we have trained in the previous step

  3. Select Classification - Multilabel from drop down list. Your configuration should look like this:

  4. Click Apply in the upper right-hand side.

Step 3 - Prepare Target function

The next step is to prepare target function. This step is exactly the same as for the Docker version. There are 2 important resources for this section:

  1. Recipes - a collection of use cases of target functions with step-by-step explanation of each line of code
  2. Modeling Target function section from main documentation.

For the purpose of this exercise:

  1. Copy-Paste the following code:

    def favorite_category_target_fn(history: target_function.Events, future: target_function.Events, attributes: target_function.Attributes, ctx: Dict) -> np.ndarray:
      # trim the future to the desired target window
      target_window_days = 21
      if target_function.has_incomplete_training_window(ctx, target_window_days):
          return None
      future = target_function.next_n_days(future, ctx[target_function.SPLIT_TIMESTAMP], target_window_days)
      TARGET_NAMES = [
      "Garment Upper body",
      "Garment Lower body",
      "Garment Full body",
      "Socks & Tights", 
      TARGET_ENTITY = target_function.get_qualified_column_name(column_name="product_group_name", data_sources_path=["Articles"])
      purchase_target, _ = future["Transactions"].groupBy(TARGET_ENTITY).exists(groups=TARGET_NAMES)
      return purchase_target
  2. Click Apply

Step 4 - Define Audience and Schedule

Next we can refine the audience in the Audience filter block - for this tutorial we skip this option as we want to train our model on all existing data.

  1. Finally we need to define schedule. Let's select One-time training and Start immediately in the options and then click Apply
  2. Now you are ready to hit Run Model button and start training your first Fine-tuned Model!

You are now ready to generate the predictions, please move to the next section for that.