
Generate Predictions

Step 5 - Generate Predictions

In this step we will configure the Inference section - which allows you to get specific predictions from the Fine-tuned Model.

  1. Continuing from the screen where we have left off, after running the model, we configure Scoring Audience and Scoring Schedule. We skip Scoring Audience in this tutorial, as we assume that we want to calculate our propensity scores for the whole population that we model.

  2. Scoring schedule - Similiar to Foundation Model and Training schedules, we will select one-time scoring starting immediately. The final screen will look like this:

Step 6 - Save Predictions to Snowflake table

The final step is to create a new table and store predictions there:

  1. Click Create New button in Scoring Output section
  2. Select HM_KAGGLE database
  3. Select PUBLIC Schema
  4. Name your results, e.g "results_propensity"
  5. Click Apply

The setup should look like this:

Final Step - run all

Click Run Scenario button in upper right-hand corner.