Main Scenarios View

This section describes Downstream Model interface and configuration in detail.

Once you navigate to Scenarios after you log into the BaseModel, you will see a listing of all models created so far.

Interface Overview: Scenarios in BaseModel

The Scenarios interface in BaseModel provides users with a comprehensive view and control over various scenarios used for model training, scoring, and other tasks. Below is a breakdown of the key components of this interface:

1. Navigation Panel (Left Sidebar)

The left sidebar contains filters and navigation options that allow users to manage and organize their scenarios effectively:

  • Filters by Status: This section allows you to filter scenarios based on their current status:

    • Scheduled: Scenarios that are scheduled to run at a specific time.
    • Training: Scenarios currently undergoing the training process.
    • Scoring: Scenarios in the scoring phase.
    • Ready: Scenarios that have completed all processes and are ready for use.
    • Training Failed: Scenarios where the training process encountered errors.
    • Scoring Failed: Scenarios where the scoring process encountered errors.
    • Draft: Scenarios that are still in draft mode and have not yet been executed.
  • Filters by Type: This section allows filtering based on the type of scenario:

    • Regression: Scenarios that involve regression models.
    • Classification: Scenarios involving classification models.
    • Recommendation: Scenarios focused on recommendation engines.

2. Scenarios List (Main Content Area)

The central part of the interface displays a list of scenarios along with key details for each:

  • Name: The title or identifier for each scenario. If not named, scenarios appear as "Untitled scenario."
  • Status: The current status of each scenario, such as "Draft," "Training," or "Scoring."
  • Created at: The date and time when the scenario was initially created.
  • Updated at: The most recent date and time when the scenario was modified or updated.
  • Author: The user who created the scenario, useful for tracking and collaboration.

3. Search and Filter Results

Above the scenarios list, there's an option displaying the number of results currently visible (e.g., "26 Results"). This area updates based on the filters applied in the left sidebar, providing a quick overview of how many scenarios meet the selected criteria.

4. Scenario Actions (Three Dots Menu)

Each scenario entry includes a three dots menu on the far right, providing additional options for managing the scenario, such as editing or deleting.

5. Create Scenario Button (Top Right Corner)

A prominent blue button labeled Create scenario is located in the top right corner of the interface. This allows users to initiate the creation of a new scenario, leading them through the setup process.