Interface Overview: Foundation Models in BaseModel

The Models interface in BaseModel provides users with an organized view of all models, their statuses, and relevant actions. This guide breaks down the components of the interface to help users navigate and manage their models effectively.

For more information in general about building Foundation Models in BaseModel.Ai please refer to documentation here.

1. Navigation Panel (Left Sidebar)

The left sidebar offers filters and navigation options to help manage and organize models:

  • Filter by Status: This section allows you to filter models based on their current status:
    • Draft: Models that are still in draft mode and have not been finalized.
    • Scheduled: Models that are scheduled to be trained or deployed at a specific time.
    • Training: Models currently in the training process.
    • Validating: Models undergoing validation to assess their performance.
    • Deployed: Models that have been successfully deployed and are currently in use.
    • Failed: Models where the training or validation process encountered errors.
    • Stopped: Models where processes have been intentionally halted.

2. Models List (Main Content Area)

The main area displays a list of all models, providing key details for each:

  • Models: The name of each model. If not named, models appear as "Untitled model."
  • Status: The current status of each model, such as "Draft," "Training," or "Deployed."
  • Created at: The date and time when the model was initially created.
  • Updated at: The most recent date and time when the model was modified or updated.

Additional Features:

  • Search and Filter Results: At the top of the models list, the interface displays the total number of results currently visible (e.g., "121 Results"). This number updates based on the filters applied in the left sidebar.

  • Model Actions (Three Dots Menu): Each model entry includes a three dots menu on the far right, offering additional actions such as editing or deleting the model.

3. Create Model Button (Top Right Corner)

A blue Create model button is prominently located in the top right corner of the interface. This allows users to initiate the creation of a new model, guiding them through the setup process.